I've created another tiny module: Automatic Nodetitles
It's a small and efficent module that allows hiding of the node title field. To prevent empty node title fields it sets the title to the content type name.
I've just added another feature for pageroutes: tab-like submit buttons.
Now it's possible to activate tab-like submit buttons. They allow users to quickly switch through the pages of a route. This is especially useful for building nodeprofiles.
I've just started the development of a new module: pageroute_workflow
This module creates a workflow for a pageroute and uses it to track users.
The module will automatically track how far a user has gone through the pageroute using the automatically created workflow. It sets the appropriate state to the usernode. So you can just track how far a user has gone through a pageroute or you can also react with actions on it.
Applied to a nodeprofile this may be used to send automatic thank you mails to users, which have just finished filling out their profile.
To test the modules I've written just follow the instructions of the nodeprofile README
Please fill bug reports to the appropriate projects on drupal.org. Please also report which parts should be better documented.
I've separated the modules into own projects, as they are not only for nodeprofiles useful.
Now there are the following drupal projects:
Node ProfileNode FamilyViews FusionPageroute
I've just committed an inital version of the pageroute module.
The module can be used to provide an userfriendly way for creating and optional editing several nodes.
I've started working on providing a userfriendly way for filling out the nodes of a profile in a through steps.
I started with providing a unique url for each content-type which restricts its number of creatable nodes per user to 1 - as it happens for a nodeprofile content type.
In the last days I was working on the views integration for the nodefamily module. Unfortunately it turned out to be more complex than I thought originally.
What I wanted to do, was that views is able to automatically join the node tables of different nodes together, so that one is able to list information of both nodes.
But I noticed that this approach has some downsides. They are: