
Introducing fluxkraft - web automation simplified with the power of Rules!

Submitted by fago on Sun, 03/03/2013 - 16:36

You might have heard some rumors about a tool called "fluxkraft": something like, but with Rules? Or what? Indeed, fluxkraft is one of our latest drunomics lab projects funded by netidee - a Austrian grant for powerful - and open - innovations, and yes - fluxkraft will be a tool for rule-based web automation, built as an open platform on top of Rules and Drupal! So, finally here are some first details on it:

So the idea is to build an easy to use Drupal distribution that allows you to automate various web-based tools like twitter, facebook and dropbox. Yes, you can do that already with services like, but fluxkraft will be an open platform, open-source and free for everyone to use and extend. That way, you can install it on your own servers and keep all the keys to your valuable data secured - and most importantly - under your control!
Then, as it's open source and will come with an API for adding connectors to new services you can simply integrate it with any service you want. So while the tool will provide some essential integrations for services like twitter and facebook from the start, the hope is that community will chime in and provide connectors to a variety of different online services.
So how does that tie into Rules? Well, Rules already provides a solid technical base, but we'll add an API for easy-integration with external services to it - so we've got the kraft. But for the flux to gain enough strength, we'll build a new UI that makes it super-simple to create, mix, and share the rules that connect the various services together. So yes - we'll build a new Rules UI! Initially, it will be built separately and power fluxkraft, but if everything works out we'll see a new Rules UI pretty soon!

All fine, Doc? So what's the time(line)? We've mostly finished some initial wireframes, so expect a first shout for feedback on the the new UI at the Rules g.d.o. group soon! Then, the fluxkraft team will be working eagerly on the project such that - maybe - we might have a first preview release out for Drupalcon Portland in May. Howsoever, we'd love to share our learnings and show how we are reloading the Rules UX with fluxkraft, so I've proposed session!
Finally, so who's in the boat? Well, it's me "fago" who will be leading the project during the next months - in fact I'll dedicate most of my time to it. But, fortunately I've got some help of Christian Ziegler aka criz (Strategy, Community Management), Sebastien Siemssen aka fubhy (Development) and Nico Grienauer (Design, Inspirator).
If you are interested, follow @fluxkraft on twitter and provide feedback in a short comment below!

Drupalcon Denver...

Submitted by fago on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 16:00
At the Drupalcon Denver I've given a talk called "Drupalize your data: use entities!". Check out the recording of my talk and find the slides attached: Also, I've been instructing at the "Rules Mastery" training, together with Johan Falk, Dick Olsson and Klaus Purer. The training materials are all available online so check them out at! To get into Rules check out the The tiny book of Rules - kudos to Johan Falk again :-)

It's done: Rules 2 is out!

Submitted by fago on Mon, 10/10/2011 - 19:13
Finally, slightly more than two years after I started the initial development I'm happy to announce the release of Rules 2.0 for Drupal 7!

So what's new compared to Rules 1.x?

While the fundamental concepts of "Event-Condition-Action rules" and parametrized actions remain, Rules 2.x is a complete re-write - quite some things changed. Now, it's building upon the Entity API module to fully leverage the power of entities and fields in Drupal 7. Change a taxonomy term? - No problem. Moreover that, Rules 2 now allows you to just select any entity property or field via it's so called "data selection" widget:

Data selection

The Rules data selection widget shows all suiting data properties when configuring an action or condition argument. Let's consider, you configure an action to send a mail - by using the data selector comment:node:author:mail you can easily send mail to the comment's node's author. For that the data selection auto-complete helps you finding suiting data selector: You might note, that data selectors like node:title look like token replacements. But as actions need more than just textual data, the data selector gives them back the raw data, e.g. full entity objects or whatever fits depending on the data type. Thus, data selectors are not implement via token replacements, but via the entity.module's Entity property info system. Still, the Entity Tokens module (comes with Entity API) makes sure there are token replacements available for all the data selectors too. The very same way one can naturally access fields too - e.g. node:field-tags gets you all the tags of your article node. However as only articles have tags, for that to work Rules needs to know that the variable node is an article first. Thus, make sure you've used the "Content is of type" or the "Data comparison" condition to check it's an article. Analogously, if you have an "entity" data item you can use the Entity is of type condition to make sure it's a node and access node-specific properties afterwards! Read more about data selection in the handbooks.

Switching parameter input modes

Related, Rules 2 allows you to switch the input modes while configuring the argument for an action parameter. Consider, you have an action that works with a vocabulary. Usually people might select the vocabulary to work with from the list of available vocabularies, but in some circumstances one wants the action to use the vocabulary of a specific taxonomy term. This is, where switching parameter input modes comes into play as it allows you to switch from fixed input mode (= configuring a specific vocabulary) to the data selection input mode - so you could just configure term:vocabulary as an argument by using the data selection widget. Rules 2 provides small buttons below each parameter's configuration form which allow you to switch the input mode:


Components are standalone Rules configurations that can be re-used from your reaction rules or from code. In Rules 1.x there are already "rule sets" available as "components" - but with Rules 2.x there are multiple component types: Rule Sets, Actions Sets, Rules, "AND Conditions Sets" and "OR condition sets". Rule sets come with maximum flexibility, but if the extra layer of having multiple rules is unnecessary for your use case, you can go with the simpler action set or a single "rule" component now! Next, the conditions sets make it possible to define re-usable condition components. Components work upon a set of pre-defined variables (e.g. a node), just as for Rules 1.x. However with Rules 2.x it's now possible to provide new variables back to the caller, too. Read more about components in the handbooks.

Loops and lists

Rules 2 is finally able to properly deal with loops and lists! That means you can now access all your fields with multiple items, e.g. the tags of an article node. So you can easily loop over the list of tags and apply an action to each tag. That's also very handy in combination with node-reference or user-reference fields. Send a notification mail to all the referenced users? No problem. Furthermore, one can access individual list items directly using the data selector - just use node:field-tags:0:name to access the first tag. If you do so, you might want to check whether a tag has been specified by using the "Data value is empty" condition though. Read more about loops in the handbooks.

Improved debug log

Fortunately, there has been another Rules related Google Summer of Code project this year. Sebastian Gilits worked on improving the rules debug log as part of his project! Now, the debug log makes use of some Javascript and appears all collapsed by default, so it's much easier to get which events have been triggered and which rules have fired in the first place. Also, we've included edit links so you can easily jump from the debug log to the Rules UI in order to fix up a miss-configured rule.

Finally graduated, with .... Rules & Drupal!

Submitted by fago on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 23:05

After about a year full of work around Drupal 7, Rules & Web services I recently graduated my master studies "Information & Knowledge Management" at the Vienna University of Technology. As finally my thesis will be presented officially with others at this year's epilog, I thought it would be a good time to share my thesis to the public.

The thesis title is "Event-Condition-Action rules for distributed content management", thus I've worked on a re-architectured version of Rules that is able to work across system boundaries, e.g. multiple Drupal installations. That resulted in Rules 2.0 as well as stuff like the Entity API being created - but better, it finally made it possible for me to fully concentrate on working on Drupal - awesome!

Thesis abstract: For the popular open source Content Management System (CMS) Drupal the Rules extension module makes it feasible for users to configure reactions on a high level without requiring any programming expertise. To achieve that, the extension allows for the specification of reactive rules - or more precisely it leverages Event-Condition- Action rules, for which the actions are executed when a specified event occurs and the conditions are met. Finally the ability to create custom reactions constitutes an opportunity for users to rapidly adapt the behavior of Drupal based web applications. In this thesis the existing Rules extension module is analyzed and revised in order to obtain an extensible and reusable solution, for which all identified flaws have been eliminated. Moreover the module is advanced to work across system boundaries, such that it can be utilized for the rule-based invocation of web services as well as for reacting on remotely occurring events. Therefore the solution obtains the ability to work with arbitrary data structures with the help of metadata, so that the data of remote systems can be seamlessly integrated based on metadata. Building upon this capability we present the rule-based utilization of RESTful and WS* web services and introduce Rules web hooks - a novel approach for the interaction of Drupal based web applications that exploits reaction rules to enable custom near-instant reactions on remotely occurring events.

Get the full-text of the thesis at At this point, let me thank my employer epiqo for sponsoring this work, as well as my academic advisors O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. A Min Tjoa and Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Amin Anjomshoaa of the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, who already did a great job supporting the Drupalcamp Vienna 2009.

Metadata, what for? - Introducing Entity Metadata!

Submitted by fago on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 13:20
Update 10.01.2011: In the meantime the Entity metadata module got merged into the main "entity" API module.
Drupal 7 modules working with entities often face the same problems:
  • How to create/save/delete an entity?
  • How to get referenced entities?
  • Which properties are there and how can they be accessed or modified?
This is, what Entity Metadata tries to solve for Drupal 7. It collects metadata from modules, such that it knows how this things can be done and provides API functions for that purpose. There are API functions for full entity CRUD, for determining access, as well as data wrappers that simplify dealing with entity properties.

Metadata for data properties, why that?

You might think, we have fields. Yes we have, but not everything is a field. There are also entity properties, like the node title and author, the term hierarchy and lots of others. Entity metadata collects information about all that available properties - regardless whether they are fields or not - and makes them accessible the same way. For that you have to provide property info via a hook, e.g. this is the info the module provides for books:

Reactive rules for drupal have grown-up!

Submitted by fago on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 15:12
Finally, after over 1 year of development the rules module has reached the 1.0 version! You can download it from the project page. Reactive rules? Reactive rules (or ECA-rules) are rules triggered upon a given event. This allows one to conditionally fire actions based on arbitrary events. As modules can provide further conditions, actions and events this enables site builders to automate a lot of things using reactive rules! As of now a lot of popular drupal modules provide already rules integration: CCK, Organic Groups, Token, Flag, Content Profile, Content Access, ViewsBulkOperations and many more. Features? The modules comes with a bunch of useful features, e.g. a flexible input evaluation system that allows to use token replacements or even PHP evaluation in your rules. To ease the management of rules the module supports tagging of rules as well as Import/Export. Often used behaviour can be put into Rule-Sets and is easily invoked by provided actions. Not enough, the execution of those Rule-Sets can be scheduled easily with help of the provided action, thus providing a powerful scheduling system, which allows you to schedule arbitrary tasks! screenshotIt's finally grown-up? Rules is already stable for quite a time, however I didn't consider it to be complete. During the last months I added missing important features, fixed bugs and translation issues and completed the documentation! While there was quite a bunch of useful developer documentation for a while, now there is also a complete hook reference in the doxygen format. So it's grown up, but it's not (yet) perfect. So what comes next?