I've just added another feature for pageroutes: tab-like submit buttons.
Now it's possible to activate tab-like submit buttons. They allow users to quickly switch through the pages of a route. This is especially useful for building nodeprofiles.
If activated, the module automatically creates a submit button for each page at the top of each page. Of course they are themeable.
Further if you also use the pageroute_workflow module, then the tab-like submit buttons will make use of it. Buttons, that are behind the next page of the current state of the user, get an extra css class (distant) and will be set to disabled as default (that's themeable!)
So you can urge your users to go through all pages the first time while they are able to jump to every already visited page.
I have also updated my demo, just try it.
tabs behaviour
testing the new tabbed demo, when i click on 'your addresses' i get a second row of tabs with the same labels. When i click on another tab or use the back/forward buttons validation doesn't work as expected.
Other then that it seems you've put a tremendous amount of work into these modules, a great addition to drupal in flexibility and usability!
thanks for your report, I've fixed that.
now i can still navigate to
now i can still navigate to other tabs (or using back/forward) without filling in the mandatory fields. I suppose it should check those since a submit is done everytime a button is clicked.
Another thing: How hard would it be to use AJAX to get instant tab switches? Maybe i'm asking too much tho..
that's desired
yeah that's the desired behaviour.
Why should one create mandatory fields if they aren't checked then? ;)
AJAX would be nice, yeah. However I'ven't looked into this and won't do in the next days. If you are willing to put effort into this keep me uptodate .. :)