
views 1.2 with views fusion support released!

Submitted by fago on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 21:32
Great news! merlinofchaos has released views version 1.2 for drupal 4.7, which comes with views fusion support out of the box. So there is no further patching of views required :) So making sophistaced views containing data of several nodes like this userlist becomes easier than ever. Thanks to merlinofchaos :)

nodefamily & views integration, status

Submitted by fago on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 12:25
In the last days I was working on the views integration for the nodefamily module. Unfortunately it turned out to be more complex than I thought originally. What I wanted to do, was that views is able to automatically join the node tables of different nodes together, so that one is able to list information of both nodes. But I noticed that this approach has some downsides. They are:

node relations

Submitted by fago on Wed, 06/14/2006 - 14:55
As i noted in the proposal I need a node relationship, which offers views integration. The views integration I 've in mind is that it's not only possible to display a link to a related node in a view, like it is with CCK node relations, instead it should be possible to list concrete data (e.g. CCK fields) of the related node.